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The Narrative Reveal of Catholic storiess 

HISTORY— Refiring to an event in the past with images and words. The initial form of document circulation was oral, that is, word-of-mouth. Through oral storytelling from generation to generation, people spread and communicated to achieve the purpose of spreading the story. It is, connected series of events, told through oral and record with words and expected to build up great value to the cumulative contribution of human culture and most important part of life. The story explains several plots by written and verbal ways, which have acquired a proverbial currency.

Story-based narrative. Narrative is a literary type. Its characteristics are composed of a series of events, including the structure of the story, the scene and the depiction of characters. Most of the New and Old Testaments of the Bible are written in prose, and this part is usually classified as narrative. It can also be called "story" or "bible story". 

New Testament which was—written from middle of the first century and was completed at the end of the first century. Chronicle of the stories of the Savior “Jesus” from birth to resurrection. New Testament has 27 chapters and about eight authors. Among them are four apostles: Matthew, Mark, John and Luke. The content can be roughly divided into five categories, namely, the four gospels, Acts, thirteen letters of Paul, eight volumes of letters, and the apocalypse. The content can be roughly divided into five categories, namely "Gospels", "Acts", "Paul's Letters", "Essays of the Evangelist" and "Revelation". Among them, the "Gospels" are documents, letters and books that mainly describe the life and resurrection of Jesus, also record of his suffering knows as “Crucifixion of Jesus”