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TYIAC is a new translation of the International Art curatorial company.

創立的宗旨 About Tang Yi 是為藝術家創建一個平台,以連結國際知名音樂、表演團體以及視覺藝術家的作品在台灣進行展演與交流;並能以最貼近藝術家及演出團體的演譯方式,使藝術與表演能更具在地化。
The founding is to create a platform for artists, links internationally renowned music, performing groups and visual artists in Taiwan, China, Southeast Asia Italy, America exhibition and art pieces exchange.
Interpretation to the appropriate way of artists and performing groups, so that art and cultural performances can be glocal.
At present, the implementation of business: the exhibition planning and accomplish, support and create arts space, art festival planning, visual arts cultural and creative development, corporate sponsorship development, as well as artistic and arts administrators plan to nurture talent.
主要執行業務 Main Perform business 展覽策畫、藝文空間創建與扶植、藝術活動策畫執行、 視覺藝術品文創開發、藝術與文學出版品;同時進行藝術策劃專業與藝術行政人才培育。
Exhibition curation, art space creation and construction, art activities, the implementation of the design, visual arts works as cultural development, art and literature publications; At the same time, we carry out art planning and art administrative personnel training.